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Attendance and Tardies

Parents should notify Faith Mitchell, Attendance Secretary as soon as possible when their child will be absent.  This can be done by calling the office at 676-1667 or sending an email to . See below for what constitutes as an excused or unexcused absence or tardy.

From the Handbook:

Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy expects excellent attendance and punctuality to class and all other school commitments.  Students should miss school only in cases of illness and personal or family emergencies.  Health care appointments, vacations, and other non-emergencies should be scheduled whenever possible to avoid school absences.  In order to maintain a high academic standard and develop an outstanding work ethic, attendance is of the utmost importance.

An Absence shall be defined as any class not attended for any reason.  Absence in one class will not affect the attendance record in any other class.  Attendance will be taken in each class and all absences (excused and unexcused) will be recorded. 

  • Excused Arranged Absences are defined as absences that occur with the parent's permission but do not meet the standard criteria for excused absences (for example, family vacations) and for which the student and the parent have made prior arrangements with the student's teachers and the office. The student will be required to obtain assignments and homework from his or her teacher prior to the absence(s) in order to receive credit. Missed schoolwork must be completed and turned in upon the day of return. Any additional work assigned by the teacher during the absence period will be due on a set date as prescribed by the teacher. Failure to make arrangements with the teacher and the office will result in the absence being counted as Unexcused.

    Unexcused Absences are defined as absences that occur with the parent's permission but do not meet the criteria for excused absences (i.e., for reasons other than illness or emergency). Students will not receive credit for work missed during an unexcused absence.

    The primary difference between "excused arranged absences" and "unexcused absences" is whether the student's teachers AND the attendance office have been notified PRIOR to the absence in sufficient time to obtain assignments and homework.

    Truancy is defined as absence without the parent's permission, for reasons other than illness or emergency. Truancy is unexcused and will be reported to law enforcement as appropriate.

Accumulated absences will result in the following action:
1-6 absences per class per semester
Parents will be notified of each absence. On the sixth absence the school will send home a letter that reiterates our attendance policy, and explains the consequences of continued absences.  Teachers have the prerogative to not allow make up work for classes missed due to unexcused absences.

11+ absences per class per semester
Regardless of the nature of the absences (excused and/or unexcused), credit may be denied for any class in which a student has accumulated more than 10 (ten) absences. The determination to grant or deny credit will be made by the Principal, with input from the classroom teachers. 

Parents should notify the office as soon as possible when their child will be absent.  This can be done by calling the office.  An absence will be registered as excused only when a parent or guardian contacts the office and verifies the date and reason for the absence. This verification must be provided within two (2) days of the student’s return to school.  If no verification is received within two (2) days, the absence will remain unexcused.  Only the principal or his designee can excuse an absence.  Their decision will be based on the documentation provided by the parent.

A Tardy is defined as the condition or situation when a student is not in his/her assigned seat with all of the necessary study materials at the start of the class period.

Rationale:  The first few minutes of class at the Academy set the stage for the day’s lesson.  Generally a teacher has an “anticipatory set” which engages the students’ inquiry or curiosity and prepares the students for the day’s lesson. Class time at the Academy is valuable. Teachers design lessons so that learning is maximized and interruptions are minimized within the allotted time.

When a student is late to class, the entire class is interrupted, the teacher is interrupted, and the tardy student has missed a vital part of the day’s lesson.  Timely attendance at the Academy is mandatory.  Punctuality to class and all activities is paramount.  There is no excuse for habitual tardiness.

Tardies are excused for dental, medical, and legal appointments, and for health reasons.


1.  A student will be allowed up to three (3) unexcused tardies  to school, per semester, regardless of the circumstances.  The teacher will attend to the situation as they  see fit considering the circumstances.  A grade penalty or loss of score may  result.* 
2.  Upon the fourth unexcused tardy, the student will automatically be assigned one (1) hour of detention to be served after school and the parents of the child shall be notified. 
3.  Upon the fifth unexcused tardy, the student will automatically be assigned two (2) hours of detention to be served after school and the parents of the child shall be notified.
4.  Upon the sixth unexcused tardy, the student will be suspended from attending school and student activities for one (1) day without the possibility of appeal.**
5.  Upon each subsequent unexcused tardy, up to and including eleven (11), the student will serve another two-hour detention and the parents of the student will be notified.
6.  Upon the twelfth unexcused tardy, the student will be suspended from school and school activities for an additional two (2) days.

7. Upon each subsequent unexcused tardy, up to an additional five (5) tardies, detentions will be given. For each subsequent unexcused tardy after the five (5) additional tardies an additional two (2) days of suspension will be given.

*Teachers may assign additional penalties as they see fit.

**Absences due to suspension will be considered Unexcused Absences, and students will not be allowed to make up missed grades.

Report An Absence


Parent Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Student Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format